Tag Archives: family

A Failure To Plan Is A Plan To Fail…Time For Me To Plan My Meals.

5 Dec

Believe it or not, I’m really bad at planning my meals for the week. Which, usually leads to me trying to figure out what’s for dinner as I’m driving home from work. Even worse, that leads to me having to stop at the grocery store on the way home because I’m usually missing one or two ingredients. Having to go to the grocery store at the last minute usually ends up costing me more money and time. I try to work out 5-6 days per week. So if I have to stop at the grocery store then I am usually unable to workout and still have time to cook dinner.

So this week I’m going to try and plan for the week. Do you plan for the week? What’s on your dinner menu this week?

My Menu For The Week:

Sunday~ Shrimp Al forno with mashed sweet potatoes and spinach. Monday~ Beef & Brocolli with bean sprouts.
Tuesday~ Turkey meatloaf with mushrooms and yellow rice.
Wednesday~Hopefully leftovers with a garden salad.
Thursday~ Quesadillas with cheese and whatever is left in my refrigerator.
Friday~Naan Pizza and Salad.
Saturday~Turkey Meatballs & angel hair pasta.

I have high hopes for following through. I will update everyone and let you know how the week goes. I must say that by just writing down my plan I feel like I’m already ahead of the game. Sunday’s dinner plan was done earlier than usual because I had planned for it. I also took out the beef and the ground turkey for Tuesday and Wednesday’s dinner. This way both of those items will be defrosted when I choose to use them. So, cheers to starting off the week with a plan.

BTW, if you are one of my cherished subscribers please also consider liking my Facebook page www.facebook.com/pennylovesblog I also appreciate all of your shares and retweets. As always, Bon Appetit!
